Codes will be made publicly available on this page as they are completed.
Coming soon:
The horizon collaboration has released:
kharma: a GPU-enabled version of the harm code in 3D, built on parthenon and kokkos.
ipole: a general relativistic polarized ray-tracing code. Paper available here. Jason Dexter’s grtrans solves the same problem, paper available here.
igrmonty: an updated version of the relativistic Monte Carlo code.
iharm3d: an updated, optimized version of the harm code in 3D. A JOSS paper is available here.
A paper describing the Illinois EHT simulation pipeline, which is called PATOKA, is available here. The paper makes explicit some of the seldom-discussed issues surrounding generation of synthetic images and spectra and may be useful for people starting in on EHT-related theory projects.
inoisy: generate Gaussian random field models of fluctuations in astrophysical flows. Permits specification of a velocity field and a localized, anisotropic, spatio-temporal correlation function. Paper available here.
pyharm: a set of python scripts that implements most of the functionality in harm, together with analysis tools.
ebhlight: a three-spatial-dimensions general relativistic radiation magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) code. Radiative transport is handled using a Monte Carlo scheme. The code integrates a separate electron energy equation, and uses a model to apportion dissipation between the ions and electrons. It also includes Coulomb coupling between ions and electrons. Paper available here.
grim: a code for modeling relativistic collisionless plasmas. Paper available here.
athena++: a modern, efficient, accurate code for astrophysical fluid dynamics that includes the White code for relativistic MHD. Paper available here, code available here.
The following older codes may also be of interest:
iharm2d: an ideal relativistic MHD code. This is a 2D version with openmp support and updated i/o and analysis codes. Paper available here, although it describes an earlier version of the code. An updated version of iharm2d is available here.
ibothros2d: a relativistic ray tracing radiative transport code. This version uses the “fast light” approximation and is configured by default to accept iharm2d models. It includes only synchrotron emission and absorption, and provides only total intensity.
igrmonty2d: a relativistic monte carlo radiative transport code. This version uses the “fast light” approximation and is configured by default to accept iharm2d models. It includes thermal synchrotron and compton scattering. Paper available here.
symphony: a cyclo-synchrotron polarized emission and absorption coefficient code. Evaluates emission/absorption for arbitrary gyrotropic distribution functions. Also incorporates fitting formulae for an isotropic thermal, kappa, and power-law distribution function. Paper available here.
The following sites may also be of interest:
harmpi: Sasha Tchekhovskoy’s version of the harm code, in 3D with MPI support. Thanks, Sasha!
Jon Mckinney’s public github repositories. This includes a version of the harm code, in 3D with MPI support, as well as supporting codes.